Headquarter Espoo

Revontulentie 8 A, 02100 ESPOO
(Our office is located in the building of the Espoo City Theatre, 5th floor)


Our Electronic Invoicing Address

E-invoicing address: 003701142596
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Intermediator code when sending from a bank network: DABAFIHH*
E-mail invoices received by the scanning service
Address for e-mail invoices: 01142596@scan.netvisor.fi



Business ID



+358 (0)20 7411 050



Huhtalantie 2


Rautatienkatu 16 C 22
90100 OULU


Contact us

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Antti Orama

Valuation Manager


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Valuation Manager, AKA, KHK


Antti Orama prepares all types of property valuations for clients and assists clients by preparing compensation valuations concerning public road surveys and expropriation proceedings.

Antti possesses special expertise in the valuation of commercial properties, agricultural and forestry properties and urban land as well as compensation valuation of public road surveys and expropriation proceedings.

Antti has graduated from the Helsinki University of Technology. He came the work for ArvoLex in 1989. Before then, he worked as a surveyor at the National Land Survey of Finland. Antti has been an Authorised Property Valuer (AKA) since 1996 and a Property Valuer Approved by Finland Chamber of Commerce (KHK) since 2010.




Finnish, Swedish and English




Property valuation, supervision of interests, project services


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Elina Lindvall

CEO, lawyer

Espoo, Turku

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CEO, lawyer, LL.M. with court training, Licensed Legal Councel, Licensed Real Estate Agent (LKV)

Elina Lindvall assists clients especially in matters related to family law, inheritance law and real estate. She has a long and comprehensive experience in different fields of law and legal proceedings at different instances and courts, as well as extensive experience in mediation. Elina is recognized as an efficient and knowledgeable estate administrator and executor of wills. She also assists our clients in partition of property and separations, custody disputes, estate administration and distribution of inheritance.

Throughout her career, she has successfully managed numerous disputes in real estate and housing transactions. With her strong professionalism she is respecting her client's individual needs and requests. Elina also draws up continuing power of attorney permits, wills, prenuptial agreements, estate inventories, deeds of gift, deeds of sale and agreements on division of property and distribution of inheritance. You can also contact Elina if you need a lawyer for a criminal case.

Elina has graduated from the University of Turku. She joined ArvoLex Oy from Eversheds Attorneys at Law Oy in 2023. Prior to that, she has gained work experience in the real estate sector, banks and the tax administration, among others. Elina has carried out court practice in a court and is a licensed legal counsel and a public purchase witness and a licensed real estate agent.


Finnish, English

Areas of Expertise:

real estate, disputes concerning housing and real estate transactions, family and inheritance law, liquidator and executor, environmental law, civil litigation

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Ellinor Sundqvist


Seinäjoki, Vaasa

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Lawyer, Licensed Legal Councel, Public Purchase Witness

Ellinor Sundqvist assists clients in a variety of fields, particularly in matters related to real property and environmental law as well as in matters under family and inheritance law.

Ellinor has graduated from the University of Helsinki. She came to ArvoLex from OP Financial Group 2023. Prior to this, she has gained work experience from the central union of Swedish-speaking agricultural producers in Finland (Svenska lantbruksproducenternas centralförbund SLC rf). Ellinor is a public purchase witness authorized by the National Land Survey and a licensed legal counsel.


Swedish, Finnish and English


Properties, environment, family and inheritance

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Welfare Manager


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Vuf, I'm Eve, the office's Welfare Manager

I'm a really happy tail-wagger and everyone's friend.

I would love to come to work every day and give paw therapy to my teammates. Though, I cannot always join the office ride, because sometimes I need to keep company to my little siblings at home.

My special expertise lies in delighting my teammates to feel happy so that happy-can-go-lucky. I am excited to explore everything and anything, snacking on treats and sleeping in meetings. I've been told that I'm an absolutely irresistible Welfare Manager.

If you come to visit our office, I might be there to greet you  
You can scratch me!

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Matti Äijälä

Property valuer


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Valuation Expert, M.Sc. (Eng), AKA, KHK, Licensed Real Estate Agent (LKV)


Matti Äijälä provides valuation services for all types of properties. He focuses on rural properties (farms, holiday homes, detached houses) and the commercial properties of businesses. Matti also assists landowners with public road surveys and expropriation proceedings and estimates compensations related to the construction of urban services.


Matti has graduated from Aalto University. He has worked at ArvoLex since 2012. Prior to this, he has worked for a university, a city and the National Land Survey of Finland. He has been an Authorised Property Valuer (AKA) and a Property Valuer Approved by Finland Chamber of Commerce (KHK) since 2014.




Finnish, English




Property valuation, supervision of interests, project services


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Pipsa Mörn

Leading Legal Counsel

Espoo, Nauvo

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Leading Legal Counsel, LL.M. with court training, Licensed Legal Counsel, Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

Pipsa Mörn assists clients in a wide range of legal areas, especially in matters relating to property and environmental law, agriculture, and forestry and in construction disputes. The focus of her expertise is preliminary risk assessment, contract negotiations, tax law, employment law and assistance in court litigation. Pipsa also assists customers in legal disputes and settlements and acts as a lecturer at various events.

Pipsa has a master's degree in law from the University of Turku. She joined ArvoLex from the Finnish Ship’s Officers’ Union in 2023. Before that, she also gained work experience from law firms, tax authorities and banks. Pipsa has carried out court practice in Ostrobothnia district court and is a licensed legal counsel. Pipsa also holds an Executive MBA degree from the University of Hull Business School.


Finnish, Swedish, English


real estate, environment, litigation, agriculture, and forestry, employment law, tax law

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Sirpa Haapanen

Administrative Manager


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Administrative Manager





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Valte Maaninka

Valuation Expert


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Valuation Expert, surveyor (Bachelor of Engineering)

Valte Maaninka provides valuation services and assists landowners with public road surveys and expropriation proceedings and estimates compensations related to the construction of urban services.

Valte has studied at the Lapland University of Applied Sciences and graduated at the beginning of 2022 and has been working for ArvoLex ever since.


Finnish, English


Supervision of interests, property valuation, project services




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Vesa Hakola

Property valuer


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Valuation Expert, AKA, Regional Manager

Vesa Hakola provides valuation services for all types of properties. He focuses on rural properties, farms, holiday homes, detached houses and commercial properties. He also assists landowners with public road surveys and expropriation proceedings and estimates compensations related to the construction of urban services.

Vesa has studied at the University of Technology. He has worked at ArvoLex since 1989. Before that, he worked for the National Land Survey of Finland and a municipality. He has been an Authorised Property Valuer (AKA) since 2004.


Property valuation, supervision of interests, project services


Contact us


Rautatienkatu 16 C 22, 90100 OULU


Rautatienkatu 16, 90100 Oulu, Finland


Huhtalantie 2, 60220 SEINÄJOKI


Huhtalantie 2, 60220 Seinäjoki, Finland


Revontulentie 8 A
02100 ESPOO


Revontulentie 8, 02100 Espoo, Finland


Rautatienkatu 16 C 22, 90100 OULU


Rautatienkatu 16, 90100 Oulu, Finland


Huhtalantie 2, 60220 SEINÄJOKI


Huhtalantie 2, 60220 Seinäjoki, Finland


Revontulentie 8 A
02100 ESPOO


Revontulentie 8, 02100 Espoo, Finland

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